Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith: Congregational Church of Austin, United Church of Christ



The Congregational Church of Austin’s Statement of Faith reflects our commitment to seek and celebrate God’s presence and calling in our lives through worship, on-going spiritual development, service to the world, and community.


We are a people united in Christ.

God calls us to be a loving and inclusive community of faith, a people united and
uniting. God calls us to welcome all people in the name of Jesus Christ, who welcomes us.

We are a people who sing God’s praises.

God calls us to invite all people to participate with us in life-renewing worship, to cry out in our brokenness, and to celebrate God’s grace and blessing upon us.

We are a people who seek God’s ways.

God calls us to discover God’s word in the Bible, in our rich heritage, in faithful
witness to the living Word, and in the fresh winds of the Spirit.

We are a people who serve God’s world.

God calls us to promote the integrity, justice, mercy, and peace God intends for all
creation, and to reach out in ministries and partnerships of prophetic criticism and care.

We are a people who share life’s journey.

God calls us to support one another and to share in the hopes and fears, joys and
sorrows, of all God’s people, both in the church and the world.

As a church deeply committed to Christ’s ministry of liberating, healing, and reconciling the world, and to the prophetic call to “do justice” in this world, we find that the following World Council of Churches Statement of Faith also reflects our commitment to work for a “new earth where justice and peace will flourish.”



An Affirmation of Faith

World Council of Churches


We believe in God, who is love and who has given the earth to all people;
in Jesus Christ, who came to heal us, and to free us from all forms of oppression;
in the Spirit of God, who works through all who are turned toward the truth;
in the community of faith, which is called to be at the service of all people;
in God’s promise to establish the kingdom of justice and peace for all humankind.
We do not believe in the right of the strongest, nor the force of arms, nor the power of oppression.
We believe in human rights, in the solidarity of all people, in the power of non-violence.
We do not believe in racism, in the power that comes from wealth and privilege, or in any established order that enslaves.
We believe that all men and women are equally human, that order based on violence and injustice is not order.
We do not believe that war and hunger are inevitable, and peace unobtainable.
We believe in the beauty of simplicity, in love with open hands, in peace on earth.
We do not believe that suffering need be in vain, or that the disfigurement of our world is what God intended.
We dare to believe, always and in spite of everything, in God’s power to transform and transfigure, fulfilling the promise of a new heaven and a new earth where justice and peace will flourish.