About Us


If you’re looking for a small, friendly church where everyone will quickly know your name…where no matter your age, class, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or physical ability you’ll be openly loved and embraced…where you’ll be challenged to reflect on your beliefs, acknowledge your doubts, ask your questions, and grow in your faith…where God’s desire for compassion, healing, reconciliation, and justice is preached…where you’re given the opportunity to put your faith into action through effective outreach ministries…then we hope to get to know you as a new friend, because that’s who we are.

We are a small, progressive, lively, and welcoming church located in the heart of Austin near the University of Texas. We worship together, support one another’s spiritual growth, love and care for our neighbor in need, work for a more just and peaceful world, and experience deep joy in being the church together. In our worship, we combine joyful and spirit-filled singing with moments of quiet reflection and prayer. Music has been a mainstay of the worship service from the founding of the church. A trio and a choir provide the music each Sunday. We openly share the joys and concerns of our lives, pray for one another and the world, read and reflect on scripture, and respond to God’s call to minister to the world with compassion and wisdom. While our service follows a somewhat traditional order, it leaves room for spontaneity, and all of our liturgies use gender inclusive language. On the first Sunday of every month, we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion.

We are affiliated with the United Church of Christ, a progressive Christian denomination that has roots in the ancient Judeo-Christian traditions and promotes contemporary spirituality, responds to the most pressing justice issues of our day, celebrates diversity and works ecumenically with other faith communities, and seeks to be the church in new ways in our rapidly changing world.

The United Church of Christ’s ethos is reflected in our church’s open affirmation of diversity, our ministry to the homeless, justice advocacy and ecumenical relationships, our love and care for one another, and our support for one another’s spiritual growth.

For more details about our beliefs, read our Statement of Faith.