Nursery Care & Children’s Sunday School are back!
We are so delighted to welcome back our youngest church-goers this Sunday morning! Below is a snapshot of what parents and kids can expect on Sunday mornings. As we gradually rebuild our other programs, Adult Sunday School and choir options will become available to parents. In the meantime, we encourage parents to receive the gift of childcare and use the time to rest, grab a cup of coffee, reconnect for a few minutes with your spouse, or whatever feeds your soul.
9:30 Nursery & SS Teachers Arrive
9:45 Parents Drop Kids Off in the nursery area
10:00 Music Time with Amy & Jonathan
(for all kids–preschoolers and elementary)
10:10-10:40 Sacred Story & Art Time taught by Kay (for all kids)
10:40 Snacks (“The Feast”) for everyone
10:50ish Elementary kids go to worship*, and preschoolers stay in the nursery with our fabulous new teachers Anne & Alexandra
* Please note that we are having Sunday School for kids before worship, so that kindergarteners and older can participate in the service. This is a change from pre-pandemic times. Nursery care still will be available throughout the service.