Christian Education and Spirituality

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Christian education and spirituality are important elements of the Congregational Church of Austin’s ministry. We do not dictate specific doctrines, creeds, or beliefs.


Rather, we encourage one another to bring traditional expressions of Christian faith into open-minded dialogue with contemporary forms of knowledge, to reflect deeply on our religious beliefs and spiritual experiences, to acknowledge and wrestle with our questions and doubts, to bring our faith and spirituality to bear on the world’s most pressing issues, and to continuously grow and mature as human beings.

We introduce children to key Biblical stories, faith concepts, and the church’s ministry. With older youth, we continue building on the basics, but include more opportunities for personal reflection on beliefs and spiritual experience, and encourage reflection on the relationship between faith, daily life choices, and contemporary events.  Adults focus on the interpretation of scripture, theology and spiritual practice, and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ in today’s highly complex world. The following describes our various Christian education ministries.


Use the links below for more information about each program:

Children’s Sunday School

Intergenerational Forum

Intergenerational Forum is a class for our teenagers on up and is a chance for us to sit together intergenerationally to discuss topics that matter to us all, whether that be the Bible, spiritual practices, or social justice concerns. We meet in the lobby gathering space, starting at 9:45am.