Introduction: The History of the Congregational Church of Austin, United Church of Christ
The Congregational Church of Austin has been a vital force for equality, justice, and for the support of those in need for over 100 years. It has a tradition of addressing issues that many called controversial; however, the church members stepped up and recognized that Jesus’ message was clear, and it was not to be delayed or ignored out of convenience. History has vindicated the Church’s judgment whether it was desegregation, women’s rights, gay rights, economic rights, healthcare, assistance to the homeless, immigration, or embracing new knowledge.
The Church has welcomed those secure in their faith and those not so secure. Their spirits, their minds and their journeys were nourished. They found a theology rooted in the past, but open to the future.
Over the years, the Church has served as one of the cultural centers of the community through its music, drama, outreach, speakers, and forums. Humility would suggest, “They could have done more.” Honesty would defend, “They could have done less.” This tension, ever present in the Church, reveals its humanity.
This site is dedicated to preserving the Church’s history as one example of how a small community with limited resources can have an important impact on the community at large. This history also records the contributions of the many dedicated and unsung church members and supporters who were instruments for any success that the Church has achieved. We believe that their stories can be an inspiration for future generations.
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