Church Endowment Fund
Over the past several years, the Congregational Church of Austin, UCC, has received many generous financial contributions that have enabled our church to begin a CCA Endowment Fund. How does the fund work? Each year we transfer a small portion of the CCA Endowment Fund to the church’s General Fund to support our church’s operating budget – thus the fund continues to grow, while at the same time provides ongoing income for church activities. To contribute, contact the church by calling (512-472-2370) or email at
In Memory of: |
By: |
Gordon and Alta Bennett |
Rev. Hudson “Bill” and Betty Bennett Phillips |
Florence Castle |
Barbara Burnham |
Jean Castle |
Carolyn Linden Chial-Telder |
Eric M. Chial, Douglas I. Chial and Megan J. Styx |
Isabelle Cole |
Paul Deisler |
Dennis & Nodie Murphy |
Louise Froelich |
Olean & Andy Garrett |
Bob Garrett & Jo Jensen |
Ricardo Garza |
Roberto Hernandez |
Chuck Jackson |
Larry Jensen |
Bob Garrett & Jo Jensen |
Bert and Mary Margaret Miller |
Pastor Bert Miller |
Fred & Margie Oakes |
Mel & Pat Oakes |
Maxime Roe |
Jonathan Geer |
Nancy Showers |
Pam Tucker |
Ben White |
Dennis & Nodie Murphy |
Bob & Lois Winter |
Mel & Pat Oakes |
in Honor of: |
By: |
Douglas Anders |
Liz & Reuel Nash |
Cheryl Appel, Vic & Jean Appel |
Debbie Appel |
Vic Appel |
George Carruthers |
Vic Appel |
Marilyn Gaddis |
George and Lorene Beresheim |
Darcy Grostick & Keith Beresheim |
Mathis Blackstock |
Taffy and Herb Bodman |
Whit & Betty Bodman |
Maxine Collings |
Debby Fisher Kohrt |
Jaime Hadley |
Darcy Grostick & Keith Beresheim |
Yoshikuni and Setsuko Kaneda |
Dennis Murphy |
John Goff & Gail Christeson |
Elizabeth, Sarah & Margaret Oakes |
Mel and Pat Oakes |
Marie Scheel |
Dennis & Nodie Murphy |
Rene Slataper |
Darcy Grostick & Keith Beresheim |
Mel & Pat Oakes |
Dennis & Nodie Murphy |
Julia Pantermuehl |
Doyal and Tommie Pinkard |
Refugees & Asylum Seekers |
Jaime Hadley |
Refugees & Asylum Seekers |
Tom Vandestadt & Robin Chapman |
Dave & Sara Ross |
Dennis & Nodie Murphy |
Rollin & Betsy Russell |
Stephen Russell & Scott Neeley |
The Choir |
Carolyn Thompson |
The Church |
John McNeely |
Transgender Women of Color |
Kay Pruett |
Bill and Joan Mueller |
Dave & Sara Ross |
Hymnals for the Church were purchased in honor or memory of individuals.
Contributor(s) |
Honoree |
Bill Beardall |
IN Honor OF George Beardall-Cook |
Keith & Darcy Beresheim |
IN MEMORY OF James W. Scofield |
Keith & Darcy Beresheim |
IN MEMORY OF David Grostick |
Betty & Whit Bodman |
IN MEMORY OF Florence & George Jordan AND Patrick & Logan Mckinnen |
Carol Burlinson |
IN MEMORY OF Doris Hammar |
Bill Campbell |
TO THE GLORY OF GOD & IN MEMORY OF Reverend Ernest T. Campbell |
Bill Campbell |
Bill Campbell |
TO THE GLORY OF GOD & IN MEMORY OF Robert & Hedy Campbell |
Gail Christeson |
IN MEMORY OF Janet M. Christeson |
Nancy Edison |
IN MEMORY OF Mary Elizabeth Scott Smith (my Mother) |
Bob Garrett & Jo Jensen |
IN MEMORY OF Andy & Olean Garrett |
John Goff |
IN MEMORY OF Ann Bergsresser Graves |
Jaime Hadley |
IN MEMORY OF Jesse & Lolita Binford |
Jo Jensen & Bob Garrett |
IN MEMORY OF Larry Jensen |
Ruth Koenig |
Haksoon Andrea Low |
IN MEMORY OF Rita Chun Low |
Dennis & Nodie Murphy |
IN MEMORY OF Mathis Blackstock |
Mel & Pat Oakes |
IN HONOR OF Dennis & Nodie Murphy |
Mel & Pat Oakes |
IN HONOR OF Florence Castle |
Mel & Pat Oakes |
IN MEMORY OF Jesse & Lolita Binford |
Joy Penticuff |
IN MEMORY OF Mabel Hinson |
David & Sara Ross |
IN HONOR OF Dennis & Nodie Murphy |
Chester Rosson |
IN HONOR OF Barbara L. Burnham |
Chester Rosson |
IN HONOR OF Robin B. Rosson |
Pam Tucker |
IN MEMORY OF Vanessa Tucker, H. Vee Tucker, Dr. Norma Tucker, Nancy Showers |