Endowments & Gifts

Church Endowment Fund

Over the past several years, the Congregational Church of Austin, UCC, has received many generous financial contributions that have enabled our church to begin a CCA Endowment Fund. How does the fund work? Each year we transfer a small portion of the CCA Endowment Fund to the church’s General Fund to support our church’s operating budget – thus the fund continues to grow, while at the same time provides ongoing income for church activities. To contribute, contact the church  by calling (512-472-2370) or email at  office@congregationalchurchofaustin.org

In Memory of: By:
Gordon and Alta Bennett Rev. Hudson “Bill” and Betty Bennett Phillips
Florence Castle Barbara Burnham
Jean Castle
Carolyn Linden Chial-Telder Eric M. Chial, Douglas I. Chial and Megan J. Styx
Isabelle Cole
Paul Deisler Dennis & Nodie Murphy
Louise Froelich
Olean & Andy Garrett Bob Garrett & Jo Jensen
Ricardo Garza Roberto Hernandez
Chuck Jackson
Larry Jensen Bob Garrett & Jo Jensen
Bert and Mary Margaret Miller Pastor Bert Miller
Fred & Margie Oakes Mel & Pat Oakes
Maxime Roe Jonathan Geer
Nancy Showers Pam Tucker
Ben White Dennis & Nodie Murphy
Bob & Lois Winter Mel & Pat Oakes
in Honor of: By:
Douglas Anders Liz & Reuel Nash
Cheryl Appel, Vic & Jean Appel Debbie Appel
Vic Appel George Carruthers
Vic Appel Marilyn Gaddis
George and Lorene Beresheim Darcy Grostick & Keith Beresheim
Mathis Blackstock
Taffy and Herb Bodman Whit & Betty Bodman
Maxine Collings Debby Fisher Kohrt
Jaime Hadley Darcy Grostick & Keith Beresheim
Yoshikuni and Setsuko Kaneda
Dennis Murphy John Goff & Gail Christeson
Elizabeth, Sarah & Margaret Oakes Mel and Pat Oakes
Marie Scheel Dennis & Nodie Murphy
Rene Slataper Darcy Grostick & Keith Beresheim
Mel & Pat Oakes Dennis & Nodie Murphy
Julia Pantermuehl
Doyal and Tommie Pinkard
Refugees & Asylum Seekers Jaime Hadley
Refugees & Asylum Seekers Tom Vandestadt & Robin Chapman
Dave & Sara Ross Dennis & Nodie Murphy
Rollin & Betsy Russell Stephen Russell & Scott Neeley
The Choir Carolyn Thompson
The Church John McNeely
Transgender Women of Color Kay Pruett
Bill and Joan Mueller
Dave & Sara Ross

Hymnals for the Church were purchased in honor or memory of individuals.

Contributor(s) Honoree
Bill Beardall IN Honor OF George Beardall-Cook
Keith & Darcy Beresheim IN MEMORY OF James W. Scofield
Keith & Darcy Beresheim IN MEMORY OF David Grostick
Betty & Whit Bodman IN MEMORY OF Florence & George Jordan AND Patrick & Logan Mckinnen
Carol Burlinson IN MEMORY OF Doris Hammar
Bill Campbell TO THE GLORY OF GOD & IN MEMORY OF Reverend Ernest T. Campbell
Bill Campbell TO THE GLORY OF GOD & IN MEMORY OF William D. Presley
Bill Campbell TO THE GLORY OF GOD & IN MEMORY OF Robert & Hedy Campbell
Gail Christeson IN MEMORY OF Janet M. Christeson
Nancy Edison IN MEMORY OF Mary Elizabeth Scott Smith (my Mother)
Bob Garrett & Jo Jensen IN MEMORY OF Andy & Olean Garrett
John Goff IN MEMORY OF Ann Bergsresser Graves
Jaime Hadley IN MEMORY OF Jesse & Lolita Binford
Jo Jensen & Bob Garrett IN MEMORY OF Larry Jensen
Haksoon Andrea Low IN MEMORY OF Rita Chun Low
Dennis & Nodie Murphy IN MEMORY OF Mathis Blackstock
Mel & Pat Oakes IN HONOR OF Dennis & Nodie Murphy
Mel & Pat Oakes IN HONOR OF Florence Castle
Mel & Pat Oakes IN MEMORY OF Jesse & Lolita Binford
Joy Penticuff IN MEMORY OF Mabel Hinson
David & Sara Ross IN HONOR OF Dennis & Nodie Murphy
Chester Rosson IN HONOR OF Barbara L. Burnham
Chester Rosson IN HONOR OF Robin B. Rosson
Pam Tucker IN MEMORY OF Vanessa Tucker, H. Vee Tucker, Dr. Norma Tucker, Nancy Showers