In March of 2019, Whit Bodman conducted a Lenten study focused on Marcus Borg’s, The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith. He focused on the first two chapters, an outline of those chapters and several questions are posted on the church website. It was supplemented by some other short readings which were distributed ahead of time. The topic was “What I Believe, What I Don’t, and Why.” He discussed the positives and negatives of various ideas about basic Christian topics such as God, Jesus, Faith, Crucifixion, Sin, and Prayer, ranging from modern progressive and humanistic understandings to the Reformed tradition of our roots. The approach is based on the idea that every perspective has strengths and weaknesses. It is helpful to identify them.
Below are the documents that Whit made available to those who participate. Hopefully others will find them useful.
Sunday, March 17th, 2019—
Notes on Marcus Borg’s “The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith”
First Handout: Notes on “The Heart of Christianity”, for class 1 & 2. click to pdf version to read, click Word version to download:
PDF version:–-class-I.pdf
Word Version:–-class-I.docx
Ash Wednesday Handout:
PDF Version:
Word Version:
Sunday, March 24, 2019— Articles suggested by Whit: Handouts and Links:
Link: Just click below:
Surprised by Awe; C. S. Lewis & Rudolf Otto’s The Idea of the Holy by Clara Sarrocco
Lenten-Study: To download word version click below:
Sacraments:To read the pdf version click below:
The Biblical Canon: To read the pdf version click below:
The Biblical Canon
Sunday, April 7, 2019 – CHAPTER 6
To read the pdf versions click on the green link below:
“Willimon on Borg,”:
“One New Book for the Preacher,”
“Assessing Progress in the Third Quest of the Historical Jesus.”
Assessing Progress in the Third Quest of the Historical Jesus